Compilation of Holy Quran by Hazrat Abu Bakr
- Large number of Companions got martyred in Battle of Yamama.This thing alarmed Hazrat Umar (R.A) who gave suggestion to Caliph Abu Bakr (R.A) to preserve the Holy Quran in a bookish form.
- The Caliph was a bit reluctant in doing the thing which had not been even initiated by Prophet (SAW) but Umar (R.A) convinced him so he deputed Zaid bin Thabit (R) on the duty to compile Holy Quran in bookish form.
- Zaid bin Thabit collected different passages of the Holy Quran from different people.He himself admitted that the collection of the passafe of the holy Quran from different people & to compile them in a bookish form, very difficult He got different passages those were written on piece of stone, wood, branches of palm tresss, bone of camel etc
- He then gave the authentic Script to the caliph from whom it was passed to Hazrat Hasfsa (R)
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