The Women Who Want to Date

I was always told by a friend that whenever it comes to talking with women, keep your eyes and ears peeled and open because you never know there are women who want to date and well there are obvious signs which one needs to pick. Of course one needs to be single first himself unless he opts to cheer…lol…just kidding… well women who want to date are in great number out there so frankly you need not to find yourself a date, rather just keep your mind as to where the conversation is going and bingo… you just scored a chick dude out of nowhere.
So where to actually look for and what to look for while you are talking to one. Well lads two obvious things there are to know. Their body language and their topic of talk that you having as both these things are typical for single ladies out there and women who want to date. What are these singles and codes that you get well here comes the fun part as its them doing the work while you get the chance the choose this time…lol.

How they dress first of all really tells a lot. You can tell by just a look who is trying to look good more than others and who among them are potential candidates to have a date with. Women who want to date try to dress more fashionably while being out and get noticed of course guys. If their appearance for instance is not very charming for a couple of days tells they aren’t happy about something that is happening around and so if it is relationship problem they won’t accept it but they want attention and yes are looking for a date as a second thought so even not so charming wardrobe tells a story.
Now then finally what you two are talking about and where your eyes are looking at is the lets say sexy part. If you two are having a lunch together in office hours and she is constantly having a stare in your eyes or body and is focused on you intently it means she wants time with you outside the office premises and hence a date and hence you just found awoman who want to date. The intent actually is not to get caught but bless nature that arent able to hide what you desire.


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