How do You Talk to Women

Cat got your tongue or you just aren’t too sure what to say when you confront her. Purely state of confusion when it comes to how do you talks to women and after her initial reply what to throw next. I personally made a total fool of myself on my first try, blurted out “hey I am frankly” a nick which my friends call me with and what followed wasn’t a happy memory. So how do you talk to women and frankly since afterward that first blooper I learned with time and well it’s not as hard as it seems. More like the first step is always the hardest one and rest goes with the flow.
Well first thing first, clear your mind. There’s no such thing as making it with the go. How do you talk to women requires devolution guys. You have to think at least a bit before you make your move. Therefore once you make a plan your presentation matters second most. After all no girl would like a hippie approach her would she so you have to look good to actually lay any impact of your words on her. They say looks don’t matter but well first impression does and if you fail on this your words are going in the bin.
Well once you are in the safe zone, that is done with initials and asking about how others are doing, you need a topic to have a conversation about. So how do you talk to women and the best thing on such moments is to run on in computer terms, multiple threading…lol… that is try to keep a number of subjects on the table and mix them up so that when one trail goes cold you won’t be sitting quiet and in fact start talking about the other one and it goes on and on this way.
The last thing that anyone would want to happen on such occasions is for an argument to rise, so while learning how you do talk to women the most important part comes with the fact that you need to know to not always stand for your own point. You need to accept her view too, try neutral topics as course of conversation and when you do find yourself wrong try admitting it with the fact that you either didn’t know it this way or simply got confused and took her wrong.


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