Skin care tips in urdu or hindi
Skin Care tips in urdu or hindi
Each and every want to become beautiful and want to become shiny then each other person in whole world.You also want to become Skin better then others among people and girls etc really without doubt.Skin care is necessary for you and me and all other guys, girls.Skin can be change by changing eat , food like pizza, and chips.And bad drinking is also a role for bad skin.Different facial also bad for skin care also i think.When you want to make your face white, tight, and without pimples you should follow these instructions because these instructions are very much real for Skin Care.Tips play important role for each person around the world.Care is great thing.
Honey skin Care tips
1.Get one glass from kitchen and also gain spoon and also.Means that pour some water into glass or other thing like glass.After all these things Glass, spoon and water your work is simple for honey skin Care.Add one and also you can add two spoon honey into water that is full with glass.Then mix it quickly also with spoon.Take and drink it at time when sun rises means morning time after breakfast or food eating.Care is life of each.
Soap skin Care tips
2.Soap is a thing that plays bad role for skin and for care tips.There are too many soap that are very bad for you and me that's why we should never use bad soaps.Safe guard, and other are good for only hands not better role for face.There are some various types of soap like Dove is good for face but its also advantage and disadvantages.Care is better then each thing.
Without soap using care
3.Without soap using is much better for skin and we say that this skin care for youth and guys.You should never use soaps for skin specially of face skin because soap is made of much chemicals that have more disadvantages for skin that's why use simple and pure water of nature without doubt and without any other tips using for white, beauty.Care is greater then life.
Use different towel at home care tips
4.This is very important skin care for me and you should also follow these my tips.Use different towel at home or at school because these things also increase or decrease the skin types.When you will not use the tips about towel, your skin can be damage.Because there are many much germs exist in whole of world.There are many different types of Skin germs.When your brother has any problem about skin and you do not want to get that disease then use different towels and clothes with respect to brother.Care is amazon thing for me.
Face massage
I am really giving you tip that is equal to too much tips.We can also say that this tip is equal to thousand tips, use face wash and only good face wash that is good for you.There are many face wash in whole world because there are thousand types of skin world exist.Care is too much tight.
Make up also have Disadvantages for skin
When you use different types of Make up for skin , then it play very bad for your skin.We can say that make up is also the bad reason for bad skin.The real thoughts are that when you go to wedding then you have to use make up.When you use make up then you should remove it properly.Care is a thing from which we loose diseases easily.
Skin Cream or base care tips
You should use skin or bad according to skin because there are many types of skin some oily and other we can say that easily.Use according to skin never you should use different skin for face.
Wash times skin care tips
Each and every person in the world means girls and guys etc should wash the face twice a day because it is very good for you and me.Because these tips about skin are really excellent.
Skin Care tips more in urdu or hindi for beauty and for much skin brightness
There are thousands of skin in the world and people using and want to becoming beautiful and really white we can ask.But many people in these days are suffering from from skin diseases, skin problems, the people who are suffering from skin diseases and problem they do not care their skin however males always do work and jobs and always working for more sources of income that's why they do not get beautiful skin due to lack of skin care.Female , girls also do not use skin care tips and that's why they become bad and boys really do not like them girls.Beautiful girl who is liked by guys and boys they care their skin deeply and always one hour a day searches their problems about skin on internet or Google.Every one want to see girls who are beautiful and tight and girls who are not beautiful they are not good.Skincare tips we can also say that beauty tips are like a diamond for people.Skin is the main thing for each boy and the boys who look like prince the girls also want to get mobile number of that guy whose skin much beautiful.
Gain some chickpeas from any where you can also get it from market, from villages also really in each home in village and place where different vegetables and other things occur.Put them it into water and mix it deeply by which you can make it soft.After all this work doing your work is simple. After it, take some milk and mix it with grinded pulses and make a paste.You will skin care tips really work and I also do this and I gained much surprise from it without doubt, without thinking do it easily.Care of skin care tips is really good for face.
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