Muslim Scientists

Muslim Scientists have made great contribution to the study of science and we are aware of their success in different field of Science.
Jabir Bin Hayan(721-815)
 He was born in Iran and practised medicine in Iraq.He Introduced experimental investigation in chemistry and also wrote a number of books on plants and animals.His famous books are ''Al-Nabatat'' and Al-Hayan''
Abdul malik Asmai(740-828AD); He is considered the first muslim scientist who studied animals in detail, his famous writing include ''Al-Abil (camel)'', ''Al-khail ''Horse'', ''Al-Wahoosh(animals) and Kalq-al-ansan''.
Bu Ali Sina (980-1037) ; He is honoured as the founder of medicine and called as Avicenna in the west.He was a physician, philospher , astronmer and poet.One of his books ''Al-Quran-Fi al-Tib'' is known as the canon of medicine in West.


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